The 2021 Self-care Guide [pt. 2]

☀️The morning routine.

👋🏽Welcome back, to part two of the 2021 self-care guide series. This time around, we’re focusing on our morning routines. Waking up is arguably the most important part of your day to get right, otherwise, the rest of your day is in for a reckoning. In an effort to keep us all on a positive path as we go about our days, I’ll share some of what I do in the mornings.

Step 1: Unclench that jaw

I can’t be the only one that wakes up stressed. Sometimes, I don’t even think stress is the right word for it. Oftentimes, I wake up with pressure in the head and a tight jaw. So I always make an effort to loosen up first to start releasing that tension. I massage my face with my fingertips for a bit and make a big “o” with my mouth. I then move through the motions of grinning and frowning to soften the muscles.

Step 2: Do some deep breathing

Clenched jaw or not, deep breathing does the body good. It calms the body and eases racing thoughts that may be buzzing before a busy day. If you want wake yourself up even more with your deep breathing, try closing your mouth as you breathe in and out. This will create heat at the back of your throat and that heat will move throughout your body. 🔥 In addition to some fire breathing, wiggling those toes and doing some light movements in bed will also prep you for physically being on your feet!

Step 3: Accomplish one task

I make it a point to wake up an hour or two before starting work so that I can get something done for myself before working for others. It can be as small as running the dishwasher, watering some plants or scheduling some posts for the day. It makes me feel productive before I have to be on the clock and it boosts my mood by putting my needs first. 😌

Step 4: Drink water!

I know, I know, I sound like every other “do this to be healthy” article out there right now— but listen. Whenever I make it a point to drink a glass of water before starting my day at work I feel unstoppable. 😂 Maybe it’s because I never drink water and my body is like “hey, she’s actually trying to do something right” but whatever the case is, it definitely gives my mind the intake boost it needs to be just a tad bit sharper before the coffee kicks in. So commit to one glass before starting work for a few days and see how you feel!

Okay, friend! You now have the tools to start each day on the right foot. Go forth and conquer!



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